Archivio per dicembre, 2009

Have a good day – 10/12/’09

Thank God and gently kiss his hand which strikes you; it is always the hand of a Father who strikes because He loves you.

(Consigli-Esortazioni di Padre Pio da Pietrelcina)

Buona giornata

Ringrazia e bacia dolcemente la mano di Dio che ti percuote; è sempre la mano di un padre che ti percuote perché ti vuol bene.

Have a good day – 9/12/’09

In short, don’t philosophize on your defects; don’t reply but carry on firmly. No, God could not lose you when, in order to avoid losing Him you persist in your resolutions. Let the world turn upside down, let everything be in darkness, in smoke, in confusion,  but God is with us, what can we fear therfore? If God lives in the darkness and on  Mount Sinai amidst the thunder and lightning, shouldn’t  we be happy, knowing we are close to Him? Leggi tutto »

Have a good day – 7/12/’09

Lovingly humble yourself before God and man, because God speaks to the humble. Love silence, because much talk is never without sin. Withdraw into yourself as much as you can, because, in this way, the Lord speaks freely to the soul, and the soul is more able to listen to his voice. Cut down on your visits to people, and bear those visits made to you in a Christian manner. Leggi tutto »

Have a good day – 6/12/’09

When you are unable to take big steps on the path that leads to God, be content with little steps, patiently waiting until you have the legs to run; or better still, wings to fly. Be content with being, for now, a little bee, capable of producing honey. Leggi tutto »

Have a good day – 1/12/’09

Take no notice, my son, let them publish what they like. I fear God’s judgement and not that of men. Only sin is to be feared because it offends God and dishonours us.

(Padre Pio Archives)

Buona giornata

Lasci perdere, figliuolo, lasci pubblicare quello che si vuole. Temo il giudizio di Dio e non quello degli uomini. Ci spaventi solo il peccato perché offende Dio e ci disonora.

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