
From Padre Pio writings:

All of us are not called by God to save souls and propagate His glory by the noble apostolate of preaching. Remember, moreover, that this is not the only means of achieving these two great ideals. One can promote God’s glory and work for the salvation of souls by means of a truly Christian life, by praying without ceasing that “His kingdom come”, that His name “be hallowed”, that “we may not be led into temptation” and that He “deliver us from evil”. ( Letters II, p.77)

From Padre Pio writings:

St. Bernard, in the scale of values he established for his cloistered monks, recognizes four degrees or means by which to reach God and perfection, namely, reading and meditation, prayer and contemplation. As proof of what he says, he quotes the divine Master’s own words: “Seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you”. He goes on to apply these words to the four means or degrees of perfection and says that by reading Sacred Scripture and other holy and pious books we are seeking God; by meditation we find Him, by prayer we knock at the door of His heart and by contemplation enter the theatre of divine delights which has been opened to our mental gaze by reading, meditation and prayer. ( Letters II, p.155)

From Padre Pio writings:

If you can speak to the Lord, do so, praise him, listen to him. If you are unable to speak, due to you clumsiness, don’t worry… The (…) reason for which one should place oneself in the presence of God during prayer, is in order to speak to him and to hear his voice through interior illumination and inspiration, and one ordinarily does this with great pleasure, because it is a grace for us speak to such a great Lord who, when he replies, spreads a thousand balms and precious ointments on us which render great sweetness to the soul, listening to his commands…(Letters III,p.991) Watchfulness, prayer and humility are the arms needed to overcome all temptations and they must never be unaccompanied by boundless trust in God, so that we never stop halfway. ( Letters II, p.447)

From Padre Pio writings:

May He multiply a hundredfold the number of chosen souls; send us many saints and learned ministers and sanctify those we already possess. May He, through them, make fervor return to all Christian souls. May the number of Catholic missionaries increase, as we once again have reason to complain to the divine Master: “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few!… ( Letters III, p.64) Let us pray and beseech God to let us understand his will. Let us see to it that our will desires nothing at all except his. Live tranquilly without anxiety or agitation of heart.  ( Letters III, p.320)

Letters II, III, third and 2nd edition year 2002, 2003, edited by Melchiorre of Pobladura and Alessandro of Ripabottoni

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