– You alone are Good -
From Padre Pio writings:
You belong totally to Jesus. Therefore, let nothing detain you from abandoning yourself totally to the mercy of his Providence. Therefore, my dearest daughter, stay amidst the darkness of the Passion. I say, in the midst of this darkness since this will enable you to consider the most holy Virgin and Saint John who, being at the foot of the cross admist the frightening darkness, no longer heard nor saw our Lord, but felt nothing except grief and sadness. And even though they were animated with faith, this too was in darkness, as it was necessary for them to participate in the abandonment of our Lord. Well, my most beloved daughter, consider yourself happy to be in such sweet company without understanding it. ( Letters III, 181)
From Padre Pio writings:
” The darkness in your soul is light, in fact it is the very Sun of justice that is shining in your soul “. This is the truth and the whole truth. ” The spiritual martyrdom you are enduring is caused by God himself, that is, by that mysterious force of which you speak and which, as you say yourself, keeps you continually in a delightful and painful swoon. If this were not the work of God, could this swoon be delightful and painful simultaneously? It is love which wounds and heals, heals and woubds. ( Letters III,223/224)
From Padre Pio writings:
” You complain to the Lord and you want to know if this is a sin? No, these are the son’s complaints to his father, they are the sighs of the soul that is seeking its Supreme Good”. And as there is no fault in seeking this Good, neither is there any fault in yuor complaining in order to gain this Good. ” The soul does not see Him but He is there within it “. It seeks him with groans because it does not yet possess him perfectly. And it is this Good that causes it to seek, and it is due to this searching that it preserves this same Good and this same Good becomes greater and greater always. The soul seeks this Good with groanings, because it cannot yet possess it perfectly. ” This Supreme Good has wounded your heart, and this is the wound of divine love. It is a spiritual wound but it also affects the body. This is why, in addition to the torment of divine love ” in your soul, you also feel that physical pain which sometimes makes you almost powerless. ( Letters III,224)
From Padre Pio writings:
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