“ The Providence exists ”, the protagonist in Manzoni’s masterpiece says. The poor know it, experience it, are grateful of that. God blesses the poverty accepted or chosen in his name and waiting for the Kingdom of Heaven.


The man says sadly:

“ the month is already over!

We haven’t got 5 lire

to pay the lessons

to Francesco’s teacher.”

His woman replies

with a pain in her heart:

“ Dear Grazio, I must tell uou

that we haven’t got any money

to buy some bread.”

Poverty, precious pearl,

you cover with hope

people waiting for the eternal prize.

The promise of the Gospel

consoles the needy.

A sigh and Grazio says:

“ We must emigrate.

To pay some bread and the travel,

we’ll ask Francesco’s teacher

for 100 lire.”

Now in front of his teacher

the boy is in a cold sweat.

At last he makes the important request.

With the treasure in his hand

he comes back exulting.

Translated by Marilisa Cannarsa

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