Archivio per la ‘ Have a good day ’ Categoria

Have a good day – 08/11/’09

Be like little spiritual bees, bringing nothing into their hives but full of sweetness, peace, agreement, humility and piety as regards conversation.

( Letters III,p.567)

Have a good day – 07/11/’09

You too,doctors, you came to the world as I did with a mission to accomplish. Take note: I speak to you of duties when everyone talks about rights… You have the mission of curing the sick, but if you do not Leggi tutto »

Have a good day – 06/11/’09

Reflect on what you write, because the Lord will ask you to account for it. Be careful, journalist! May the Lord grant you the satisfactions you desire in your career.

( C. Trabucco, Il mondo di Padre Pio)

Have a good day – 04/11/’09

In order to aim at perfection it is necessary to do everthing possible to please God, to try to avoid even the smallest fault, and to do everything else with more generosity.

( F. Spaccucci, Padre Pio risponde…)

Have a good day – 27/10/09

The Spirit of God is a spirit of peace and even in the most serious faults He makes us feel a sorrow that is tranquil, humble, and confident and this is precisely because of his mercy. Leggi tutto »

Have a good day – 25/10/’09

Let us keep well in mind what the divine Master said: in our patience we will possess our souls.


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