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The Lesson ( La Lezione)

Father Pio asked me: ” Where are you from? ” I wondered whether Father Pio could locate my birthplace just saying simply its name. I answered: ”I am from Pescara ”. Father Pio didn’t say anything but  thought of my answer and whispered it; maybe he wasn’t satisfied but I didn’t add anything else. I wasn’t so fine, he came near me and started speaking  with an accurate accent typical of my town. Everything was clear: not only he knew about my town but even its dialect indeed. I couldn’t ask him anything. Moreover I didn’t expect any answer that you can easily guess. Just this one is the reason of my witness.


The Father asked me:

“ Where are you from? ”

I should  only say:

I am from Guardiagrele.

But is it clear enough?

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You honour yourself ( Ti onori)

Pietrelcina, your greatness is that you are the birthplace of Padre Pio. Sing his glory: your glory is inside this. Honouring him, you honour yourself.

You honour yourself

Oh Pietrelcina, consecrated ground,

Since the most remote centuries God

Directed his hope on you.

Your name joined to Padre Pio

From mouth to mouth is running around the world.

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You must always fight against evil,but we go  to Padre Pio praying and hoping that protected by his blessing and his help,we can avoid the defeat bitterness.


Bless, Padre Pio

these God people.

Over us turn your mild eye

to mitigate our wounds.

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The Crib

A baby was born: what a joy in this room!  This humble earth corner with another merriment: Padre Pio’s glorification will become as a gracious endless pages poem.

The Crib

Room where Padre Pio was born,

the bareness makes you even richer.

People who saw you at your birth,

keep inside their hearts the vision

of poor countrymen from Sannio.

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Every christian might be called, as a consequence of Baptism,” Christ epiphany ”. It’s like this if to the baptismal gracefulness he adds a life style that makes him” Christ witness ”. The whole Padre Pio life,just for this,is nothing but “ an epiphany ”.


Crying epiphany.

Joy epiphany.

While the bells are ringing

God is singing in my heart:

this is my time! Leggi tutto »

The Fruit

Maria,  the  Holy Spirit  that  will wrap you in the mystery of the Incarnation is ” love that wishes love “.  ” More than a wedding veil/ wraps all your soul./More than the human devoting,/from which life springs up,/makes your heart beating “.

The Fruit

The  Archangel’s announcement

makes trembling our mind,

that remains on the threshold

of that divine mystery

you already belong to.

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