Archivio per la ‘ Reflections of Padre Pio ’ Categoria

Lift up your heart

- Lift up your heart -

From Padre Pio writtings:

Those souls who throw themselves into the whirlpool of worldly preoccupations are poor and unfortunate. The more they love the world, the more their passions multiply, the more their desires are lit, the more they find themselves incapable of carrying out their projects, and thus they are uneasy, impatient, affected by that shock that breaks their hearts; those hearts which do not beat with charity and holy love. Let us pray for these unfortunate and miserable souls, that Jesus may forgive them and draw them to himself in his infinite mercy. (Letter III,p.1105) Leggi tutto »

Walking towards the eternal home – 29/04/’08

– Walking towards the eternal home -

From Padre Pio writtings:

Holiness means loving our neighbour as ourself for love of God. In this connection holiness means loving those who curse us, who hate and persecute us, and even doing good to them. Holiness means living humbly, being disinterested, prudent, just, patient, kind, chaste, meek, diligent, carrying out one’s duties for no other reason than that of pleasing God and receiving from Him alone the reward we deserve. (Letters II,p.562) Leggi tutto »

God, our armor and our shield – 17/04/’12

– God, our armor and our shield -

From Padre Pio writtings:

Dear God! How happy is the interior kingdom, my dear Father, when holy love reigns there! How blessed qre the faculties of the soul when they obey so wise a king! Under obedience to hi and his realm he doesn’t permit serious sins to dwell, or any slightest affection for venial sins. It is true that he often allows sin to arrive at his frontiers, so that in the combat the virtues may be practised and strengthened. It is equally true that he permits the mastespies (venial sins and imperfections) to circulate freely in his kingdom, but this is merely to show us that without him we should be a prey for our enemies. (Letters I, p.1022/23) Leggi tutto »

Jesus the friend of the heart

- Jesus the friend of the heart -

From Padre Pio writtings:

Pray to this divine Lover for me; this beloved Spouse of our souls, that he may accomplish the work he began in me, poor thing; in this poor and abject creature of his to whom he has shown signs of a very special predilection from the time of birth: He has shown me that not only would he be my Saviour, my supreme Benefactor, but a devoted, sincere and faithful friend of my heart; eternal and infinite love, consolation, joy, comfort, my entire treasure. ( Letters III, p.1014)

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Only in God rests my soul – 08/11/’11

– Only in God rests my soul -

From Padre Pio writtings:

As you should know that the soul’s greatest misery is when it doesn’t feel weak, but feels strong; when it trusts in itself; when it is over-confident. Oh! if only all souls could experience such a holy weakness, we would not see so many souls fall at every instant. A soul who felt its weakness and had recourse to God for help, has never fallen. ( Letters III, 72 ) Leggi tutto »

Waiting in Paradise – 23/09/’11

– Waiting in Paradise -

From Padre Pio writtings:

My soul is filled with impatient longing to see itself possessed once and for all by this great God … it wants to have a full and perfect view of that gifure, of whom it has already seen, as it were, an outline or a rough sketch. In a word, my soul wants to behold the Word, the Son of God, who is the splendour of God’s glory and the perfect image of his substance. ( Letters I, p. 529) Leggi tutto »

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