
Every christian might be called, as a consequence of Baptism,” Christ epiphany ”. It’s like this if to the baptismal gracefulness he adds a life style that makes him” Christ witness ”. The whole Padre Pio life,just for this,is nothing but “ an epiphany ”.


Crying epiphany.

Joy epiphany.

While the bells are ringing

God is singing in my heart:

this is my time! Leggi tutto »

A Thought for each day of the year – January



Ghrough divine grace we are at the beginning of a new year. God alone knows whether we shall reach the end of it, so we should spend it in reparation for the past and in preparing for the future with good resolutions. Good works go hand in hand with goodintentions (TN, Epist. IV, p. 966). Leggi tutto »

The Fruit

Maria,  the  Holy Spirit  that  will wrap you in the mystery of the Incarnation is ” love that wishes love “.  ” More than a wedding veil/ wraps all your soul./More than the human devoting,/from which life springs up,/makes your heart beating “.

The Fruit

The  Archangel’s announcement

makes trembling our mind,

that remains on the threshold

of that divine mystery

you already belong to.

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Natale festa di tenerezza – 29/12/’09

– Natale festa di tenerezza -

San Pio scriveva:

Tutte le feste della Chiesa sono belle … La Pasqua, sì è la glorificazione …  ma il Natale ha una tenerezza, una dolcezza infantile che mi prende tutto il cuore. Leggi tutto »

Buon Natale 25/12/’10


Il Paradiso scende sulla terra per illuminare vie di Salvezza,

non perdiamo questa occasione rimanendo nelle tenebre del mondo …

Augurissimi nel festeggiare il Salvatore

e vivere il nuovo anno accogliendo la pace che solo Lui sa e può donare!!!

Buon tutto!!!

don Emilio Lonzi

Infant Jesus

Infant Jesus

Infant Jesus was born.

His mother worships him.

Astonished at the wonder,

the shepherds came.

The angels sing high. Leggi tutto »

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