– Crucified love the ” Beloved ”
From Padre Pio writings:
I desire one thing from you in this regard, more than anything else: Your usual meditation should possibly be on the Life, Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ … You could also meditate on His public life, His most painful passion and death, the institution of Blessed Sacrament, on that precise evening when men were preparing the most atrocious suffering for him. You could also meditate on Jesus meditating in the Olive Grove whrn He perspired blood at the sight of the suffering which men were preparing for Him, and of the ingratitude of those who would not take advantage of His merits. Meditate on Jesus dragged and beaten in the tribunals; scourged and crowned with the cross; His climb up the hill of Calvary laden with the cross; His Crucifixion and finally, His death on the cross amidst a sea of anguish as His most afflicted Mother looked on. ( Letters III,65/66) Leggi tutto »