I beseech you, for the love of God, do not fear God, because He doesn’t want to do you any harm at all. Love Him a great deal because He wants to do you a great deal of good. Walk simply, with certainty in your resolutions, and reject the reflections of spirit concerning your suffering, treating them as cruel temptations. Leggi tutto »
I see that all the seasons of the year can be found in your souls. Sometimes you feel the winter of much sterility, distractions, restlessness and boredom; sometimes the dews of the month of May with the perfume of holy little flowers (penance); sometimes the heat of the desire to please our divine Leggi tutto »
Not only do I find nothing wrong in your returning the visits to your acquaintances, but I consider it to be an absolute duty. Mercy is useful in all situations and is adaptable to everything in accordance with the circumstances, except when it involves sin. By all means return the visits and you will also have the reward of obedience and the Lord’s blessing.
(Letters III,p.431)
Make Christian use of your money and savings and then so much misery will disappear and so many suffering bodies and afflicted being will find relief and comfort.
( Consigli- Esortazioni di Padre Pio da Pietrelcina)
Ecco il grido di Padre Pio verso il sacramento dell’ Amore. L’ Eucarestia è passione e rifugio del suo cuore di credente, e nello stesso tempo, è ragione e centro della sua vita di sacerdote.
Mio tutto
Signore mio Gesù,
Tu sei la verità
che cerco più del sole;
e sei l’aperta via
che mi conduce al Padre.
Be like little spiritual bees, bringing nothing into their hives but full of sweetness, peace, agreement, humility and piety as regards conversation.
( Letters III,p.567)