Have a good day – 19/10/’09

Always be happily at peace with your conscience, reflecting that you are in the service of an infinitely good Father, who comes down to his creature out of sheer goodness, to raise and transform him in Him his Creator. And dispel sadness, because this enters in the hearts of those who are attached to the things of this world.

( A. Serritelli,Notizie su Padre Pio)

Have a good day – 18/10/’09

Nor should you become confused, trying to understand whether you consented or not. Do everything with an upright intention; this uprightness which must always be present in your actions, and whenever you valiantly and generously fight the evil tricks of the evil spirit.

( Letters III,p.626)

Have a good day – 17/10/’09

As regards the spiritual trials to which the paternal goodness of the heavenly Father is subjecting you, I

beg you to be resigned and if possible tranquil on the assurances of he who takes the place of God, and

who speaks to you in his name; who desires every blessing for you. Leggi tutto »

Have a good day – 16/10/’09

Remember that I am the enemy of useless desires, no less than I am of dangerous and bad desires. Because even though one’s desires are good, nevertheless the desire is always defective in our regard, especially when it is combined with excessive haste.  Because God does not expect this sort of good, but He wants us to practise another.

( Letters III, p.583)

Grati al Signore – 26/09/’06 -

grati al signore – Grati al Signore -

Dagli scritti di Padre Pio :

Chi è che non si trova bene con Gesù? E qual è quell’anima che pensando a ciò che il divin Maestro asserisce: “ La mia delizia è il conversare coi figliuoli degli uomini”, non si sente riempire tutto d’infinita allegrezza? Qual è quell’anima che può essere infelice a cui Gesù si è dato in eredità? O non è forse questo stesso Gesù che forma la delizia degli angioli e l’oggetto unico delle compiacenze del Padre celeste? Tu adunque hai ben ragione nel dire di stare benone con Gesù. (Ep.III,98) Leggi tutto »

Have a good day – 15/10/’09

You must not behave violently unless you wish to risk gaining nothing.

You must have great Christian prudence.

( Letters III,pp.419/420 )

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