The Joke (Lo scherzo)

The school fellow that writes a love note signing it Francesco, future Padre Pio, means only to joke. This will cost a lot to the dear Francesco who anyway, just doing this, reveals his vocation to pay for other people.


“I love you so much”.

It caused a lot of troubles!

The parish priest and the teacher

declare him a scoundrel.

But Francesco isn’t guilty.

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Francesco’s water (L’acqua di Francesco)

Oh,how beautiful is God’s praise on the children’s mouth. Now it’s a prophecy. Beautiful the same. The well in question is located at Piana Romana.


Rudimentary tools

and the strength of a lion.

You, Grazio, dig and dig.

The well is deep,

but you can’t see any water.

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Keep Silent

The one’s innocence and the other’s fear compelled God to become a doctor and more than a doctor.

Keep Silent

Michele, I can scythe;
I try,if you permit.
“Francesco,you’re a little boy
and the grass is very hard:
You might get hurt.”

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Nest of innocence

Mother’s love, together the fascinating nature and God too,protects some innocent sleeping babies.


Francesco and his little brothers

inthis small room
fell asleep in the evening,
A nest of little birds.

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Smell of bread

Hungry or not,the pleasant smell of the bread makes you longing to taste it. But the empty pockets like the worn- out shoes, remind the little boy the harsh reality. He’s poor! His mother, rich in faith, says that is not poverty.


As  a child passing
by a hot bakery,
a pleasant smell of bread
gives you some languor inside
and glittering in your eyes. Leggi tutto »

The Providence

“ The Providence exists ”, the protagonist in Manzoni’s masterpiece says. The poor know it, experience it, are grateful of that. God blesses the poverty accepted or chosen in his name and waiting for the Kingdom of Heaven.


The man says sadly:

“ the month is already over!

We haven’t got 5 lire

to pay the lessons

to Francesco’s teacher.”

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