Have a good day – 09/01/’10

Once I showed the a very pretty branch of hawthorn in bloom, and pointing out to him the beautiful white flowers, I exclaimed: ” How beautiful!”. ” Yes “, said the Padre, ” but the flowers “. In this way be made me understand that good works are more beautiful than good intentions.

( V. Ventrella, Notizie su Padre Pio )

Buona giornata

Una volta mostrai al Padre un bellissimo ramo di biancospino fiorito e mostrando al Padre i bei fiori bianchissimi esclamai: ” Quanto son belli!…”. ” Sì, disse il Padre, ma più dei fiori son belli i frutti “. E mi fece capire che più dei santi desideri sono belle le opere.

Have a good day – 08/01/’10

In all that you do always be humble, guarding jealously the purity of your heart and the purity of your body; these are the two wings which will raise us to God and make us almost divine. Leggi tutto »

Have a good day – 07/01/’10

We must always strictly observe these two virtues: kindness with our neighbours and holy humility with God.

( Letters III,p.952 )

Buona giornata

Non cercare troppo nelle tue azioni il maggiore o minore merito, ma bensì il maggiore gusto e la gloria di Dio.

Have a good day – 06/01/’10

Love does not tolerate delay and immediately upon arrival, they (the Magi) did everything within their power to make Him known; He who had conquered their hearts through the influence of grace, wounding them with the kind of charity which must overflow, because it cannot be contained in the small structure of the heart and must therefore be communicated. Leggi tutto »

Have a good day – 05/01/’10

“Let us begin today, my brothers, to do good, because up to now, we have done nothing “. These words, which the Seraphic Father, St. Francis, in his humility applied to himself, should be made ours, at the beginning of this new year. We truly have done nothing to date, or perhaps, very little; the years have followed one another and from beginning to end, we have never asked ourselves how we have spent them, whether there was something to be rectified, to be added or obliterated from our conduct. We have lived thoughtlessly, as if the Eternal Judge were not going to call us to Himself one day and ask us to acconunt for our deeds and for the way we have spent our time. And yet, we must give an exact account of every moment, of every opportunity to do good. The slightest transgression of God’s holy laws, will be taken into consideration ! Leggi tutto »

Padre Pio in intimità con i confratelli – 04/01/’10

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Padre Pio nell’orto del convento di S. Giovanni Rotondo per una breve passeggiata. Il convento di S. Giovanni Rotondo fu costruito intorno al 1940.

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