Have a good day – 7/12/’09

Lovingly humble yourself before God and man, because God speaks to the humble. Love silence, because much talk is never without sin. Withdraw into yourself as much as you can, because, in this way, the Lord speaks freely to the soul, and the soul is more able to listen to his voice. Cut down on your visits to people, and bear those visits made to you in a Christian manner. Leggi tutto »

Have a good day – 6/12/’09

When you are unable to take big steps on the path that leads to God, be content with little steps, patiently waiting until you have the legs to run; or better still, wings to fly. Be content with being, for now, a little bee, capable of producing honey. Leggi tutto »

Have a good day – 1/12/’09

Take no notice, my son, let them publish what they like. I fear God’s judgement and not that of men. Only sin is to be feared because it offends God and dishonours us.

(Padre Pio Archives)

Buona giornata

Lasci perdere, figliuolo, lasci pubblicare quello che si vuole. Temo il giudizio di Dio e non quello degli uomini. Ci spaventi solo il peccato perché offende Dio e ci disonora.

Maria, capolavoro del Signore – 2/12/’08

madonna2_max1- Maria, capolavoro del Signore -

Dagli scritti di Padre Pio:

Amore increato, Spirito di luce e verità, fatti strada nella mia povera mente e fammi penetrare, per quanto possibile a povera creatura come me, in quell’abisso di grazia, di purezza e di santità, per attingere sempre nuovo amore verso quel Dio che  ab eterno concepiva nella sua mente divina questo capolavoro insuperabile da qualsiasi altra opera creatrice che uscita fosse dalle sue mani: l’Immacolata!…    (Ep.IV,857) Leggi tutto »

Have a good day – 30/11/’09

Remember that God is in us when we are in the state of grace and outside of us, so to speak, when we are in a state of sin; but his angel never abandons us. He is our most sincere and faithful friend when we do not make the mistake of saddening him with our wicked conduct.

( G. Del Ton, Il buon Pastore,p.205)

Buona giornata

Ricordatevi che Dio è in noi, quando siamo in stato di grazia, e fuori, per così dire. di noi quando siamo in stato di peccato; ma il suo angelo non ci abbandona mai…  E’ il nostro amico più sincero e sicuro, quando non abbiamo il torto di rattristarlo con la nostra cattiva condotta.

Have a good day – 29/11/’09

It is a great grace to be able to serve this good God when youth renders one susceptible to everything. Oh how this offering, by which one offers the first fruits of the tree, is appreciated. And what can restrain you from making a total offering of your entire self to the good God, by deciding, once and for all, to give the wolrd, the devil and the flesh a kick, as our god-parents did for us in a determined   manner when they held us at Baptism?                                                                                                                                                       Perhaps the Lord does not deserve this further sacrifice from you? Leggi tutto »

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