Charity the bond of perfection

– Charity the bond of perfection -

From Padre Pio writtings:

I give heartfelt thanks to the heavenly Father, through our Lord, Jesus Christ, for the constantly new graces with which He continues to enrich your soul … May God’s reign come soon; may this most holy Father sanctify his Church; may he abundantly shower his mercy on those souls who have not known him up to now. (Letter III, p. 63) Leggi tutto »


– Vainglory-

From Padre Pio writtings:

I feel on my knees before a picture of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, bursting into tears and complaining to our tender Lord that he had allowed those “wretches” … to deceive me again… But Jesus appeared to me once more: “Do not be afraid” …  How is it that you doubted the truth? When will you learn to recognize the voice of your Father and Spouse? … my soul enjoyed and indescribable peace. (Pietrencina 28/07/1913, Letters I,p. 443) Leggi tutto »

Padre Pio, all for God

– Padre Pio, all for God -

From Padre Pio writtings:

I have worked and I intend to work; I have prayed and I intend to pray; I have kept watch and I intend to keep watch; I have wept and I intend always to weep for my brothers in exile. I know and understand that this is not much, but this is what I am able to do and all that I am capable of doing. (Letters I,San Giovanni Rotondo 23/10/1921, p.1389) Leggi tutto »

Jesus, the ‘Only Begotten of the Father

– Jesus, the Only Begotten of the Father-

From Padre Pio writtings:

I want you to meditate every day on the humiliations of the Son of God  and the glory to which they led … Of His own free will and to the fullest extent this divine Word was pleased to abase Himself to our level, by hiding His divine nature beneath the veil of humen flesh. In this way, says St. Paul, the Word of God humbled Himself to the point of emptying Himself, as it were: “He emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant” (Phil 2:7). Yes … He was pleased to hide His divine nature so fully as to take on the likeness of man in everything, even exposing Himself to hunger, thirst and weariness and, to use the very words of the apostle of the nations: “in every respect tempted as we are, yet without sinning” (Heb 4:15) Leggi tutto »


– Baptism -

From Padre Pio writtings:

According to St. mPaul, then, baptism by which we become children of God and heirs to His throne is a sign and a reproduction of the death of Christ and a sharing in His death. Baptism is a sign of the death of Jesus Christ because, just as Christ suffered by means of the Cross, baptism is conferred on us by the Sign of the Cross. Just as Jesus was placed in the sepulchre, we are immersed in the waters of holy baptism. Baptism is, moreover, a sharing in the death of Jesus, for it applies the mysteries it represents and thus produces the effects of our Redeemer’s death. (Pietrelcina 19-9-1914, Ep.II,p.188) Leggi tutto »

Strong in faith – 25/09/’12

– Strong in faith -

From Padre Pio writtings:

Be steadfast and firm in your faith and be on the alert, for in this way you will avoid all the evil snares of the enemy. This is precisely the warning given us by the prince of the apostles, St. Peter: “Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith”. Then for our greater encouragement he adds: “knowing that the same experience of suffering is required of your brotherhood throuthout the world” (1Pet 5:8). Yes, beloved daughter of Jesus, renew your faith in the thruths of Christian doctrine, especially at times of conflict. And renew in a most particular way your faith in the promises of eternal life which our most sweet Jesus makes to those who fight energetically and courageously. (Letters II, p.262) Leggi tutto »

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