Walking towards the eternal home – 29/04/’08

– Walking towards the eternal home -

From Padre Pio writtings:

Holiness means loving our neighbour as ourself for love of God. In this connection holiness means loving those who curse us, who hate and persecute us, and even doing good to them. Holiness means living humbly, being disinterested, prudent, just, patient, kind, chaste, meek, diligent, carrying out one’s duties for no other reason than that of pleasing God and receiving from Him alone the reward we deserve. (Letters II,p.562) Leggi tutto »

Jesus the friend of the heart

- Jesus the friend of the heart -

From Padre Pio writtings:

Pray to this divine Lover for me; this beloved Spouse of our souls, that he may accomplish the work he began in me, poor thing; in this poor and abject creature of his to whom he has shown signs of a very special predilection from the time of birth: He has shown me that not only would he be my Saviour, my supreme Benefactor, but a devoted, sincere and faithful friend of my heart; eternal and infinite love, consolation, joy, comfort, my entire treasure. ( Letters III, p.1014)

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It’s an Announcement

At Christmas Eve, before going to church,the family is praying around the fireplace, where the traditional log is burning. Little Francis is touched and, thrilled, admires the scene of Bethlem. Infant Jesus caresses the little boy from Pietrelcina. Now Mary’s smile confirms that the baby with his life will be the Redeemer’s announcement.

It’s an Announcement

In the fireplace the log is already burning.

All around it,all the faces form a ring.

The prayer is rising softly.

The whirling flame paints them

as giants on the ceiling and the wall.

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